Saturday 9 May 2009


I used Adobe Photoshop Pro CS2 to create my magazine covers with.
I learnt how to experiment with new tools and learnt how to create a high quality image using the most simple tools. After completing my covers my skill level has improved dramatically.

Advantages of Photoshop over Publisher and Fireworks.

Photoshop -
Adapt and change different layers, clone tool, spot healing brush, free transformation, very simple, variety of tools to change, cut, crop and define an image.

Publisher -
No zooming preferences, auto levels, simple and easy to use, not many tools to make a good quality cover with.

Fireworks -
Difficult to use, very challenging software, requires a good knowledge, no zooming preferences again.

I decided to use Photoshop over Fireworks and Publisher as i have had previous knowledge of the software from when i created my school magazine cover. I used Photoshop to remove any spots or misfits on the face, to crop and re size any images and also to edit my fonts for my covers.

Equipment used.

I used a Sony A200 DSLR digital camera to take my photo's with, this camera was a very good choice as i could get good clear photo's with it. I could use a lot of zooming options as well as changing the lighting and contrast. None of the images i had taken were blurred in anyway.


Brush Tool -
Very simple to use, effective, easy to use in small and large areas. Often blurs around the line when you draw a line.

Clone Tool -
Can be hard to use at times, simple to use when you want an area cloned to another area. Requires you to hold ALT to select an area to clone. Can be hard to use in really small area's.

Free Transform -
Very simple to use, either use keyboard shortcut (CTRL +T) or go to edit and free transform. Re size images and rotate. Focus' into image when you've finished editing.

Text - Simple box can be made to type into, very easy to use, change font size and change colour. Same as on any other software.

Cropping Tool - Anything unwanted can be discarded of, simple to use, select area wanted cropping, right click and crop. Does not lose any of the images quality.

Paint Bucket Tool - Same as on any other software, click paint bucket and select colour, apply on area needed to be coloured. Also you can use the gradient tool which lets you choose a gradient changing to different colours, simple to use.

De-Saturation Tool - Simple to use, click de-saturate, and apply on area that you want saturated. Effective if you want a black and white background.

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