Friday 8 May 2009

If my magazine was to be distributed it should be distributed at the beginning of every month as it would give time to collect all the information and data to make the magazine fun and appealing to the target audience.
Features include;
  • Fashion
  • Articles
  • Competitions
  • Featured artists
  • Upcoming bands

My magazine would be sold in supermarkets, newsagents, on the Internet, music stores and adverts which are shown in my magazine.

Commercial Funding;

Benefits - Adverts and brings sales.

Drawbacks - Fee's for being at the place.

Target Audience

Magazine will cost £3:20 in England and Ireland, overseas price seen inside magazine.

Has to be the right target audience as we need sales to go up every year for funding of the magazine and extras which will be included. Young target audience would show the most interest in this magazine.

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