Friday 8 May 2009

Front cover:
I have chosen this main image because he relates to my target audience. This is shown by the way he is dressed which is in an urban style. His age is important as he must attract other readers into viewing this magazine. Also this is aimed at a certain age group which i am trying to appeal to. The gender is mainly male as there are not many females who find this kind of music appealing. I feel that this style of music genre is beginning to become more and more popular so there are more and more people who will find it appealing and want to read the magazine. I think that this magazine could not be made anymore attractive to the target audience than it already is.
The images i have used on this cover are very appealing and relate to the image on the front cover as you can clearly see that i am portraying an urban scene. You can see clearly from the four images that they are staged staged photo shoots. All of the subjects in the images are wearing urban clothing showing that it is still representing the urban scene. The colour scheme i have used is relevant to the urban scene and target audience as they usually like to see dark pages with graffiti font styles. I decided to use black, grey and white as they are all neutral colours and look appealing together. The age of the occupant in the image is at the lowest end of my target audience age which is 17. I felt i had to use an image of a young person as it would draw young readers into reading my magazine. I decided to use male subjects throughout my magazine as i felt this would be the best and easiest way to get hold of peoples attention.
Double Page Spread:
I have used a simple image that i took in town for this page as it is natural and very appealing. i decided i wanted to use this image because the subject is on one side and there is a wall on the other side that i could base my writing upon. The mise-en-scene of the image shows a clear urban look and would appeal to a viewer to read the article. I have used Benedict in this image as he is slightly older than the subject on the contents page (Robert Troth). He is to be represented to the target audience as a producer at a young age.

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