Friday 8 May 2009

Forms and Conventions

Front Cover.

  • Masthead is very attractive and appealing. Black and white contrast each other, stand out more. On an angle which breaks convention, white out glow makes it easier to read. I decided to put at an angle because it makes it more interesting. Makes people look at it in a different way. Graffiti font style used to make it more urban looking, also to attract target audience. Attracts attention.
  • Main image is very appealing and attractive, edited to make main subject stand out, background de-saturated. Urban scene in background, makes image more appealing. Mid-shot with eye contact, makes you feel as if your in front of him. Very posed upfront picture. Draws attention to magazine. Kept the convention of having a main image that covers whole page.
  • Cover lines are short and snappy, quick and easy to read, simplified what is to be seen in the magazine. Font style again is graffiti, fits with magazine genre, seen on every page. Colour matches the colour of the subjects shirt, everything is kept simple but effective. Cover line headlines are kept short and snappy also. White to contrast black background. Text wrapped around main image to keep conventions.
  • Bar code is at bottom left to keep the conventions simple. Date and price are also allocated next to the bar code to keep the conventions also. Simple white writing to make it contrast to the black and white background of main image.
  • I decided not to have a banner as it would ruin the look and outcome of the magazine, another broken convention. Also i chose not to as i wanted the cover to looks simple and not have too much information on the front page. I also think that having a banner takes attention away from the cover lines which are more important.
  • Mise-en-scene is very urban styled and looks very appealing, i decided to make it black and white as most of it was already that colour, it also made the main subject stand out. Gates and fences also fit in with the urban scene, more attractive.
  • I put the magazines website at the bottom of the page to show that a website is available for the consumer. I picked a white outer glow as it contrasts with black background and stands out.
  • Headline shows magazine is very popular, it makes people want to buy it more. Red colour to make it fit in with the rest of the colours on page, also to make it stand out. White outer glow to make it more easy to read.


  • The title "Contents" is very eye catching as it is one of the first things you see when you look down the page. The font style used again is graffiti like to fit in with the genre of the magazine. I have used grey for the colour because it contrasts the background colour. Black drop shadow to make it look as if its coming off the page.
  • Overall layout of page is very neat and attractive. Background colour is dark fitting in well with the urban look of a page. Black, grey and white used together as they are all neutral colours.
  • Most of the fonts styles on the page are graffiti style, again setting in with the urban style.
  • The images i have chosen are from a staged photo shoot, decided upon these as the subject stands out from the white background. Urban clothing still worn just no urban background scene. Drop shadows added behind image to make it look as if image is coming off page. Different shades of grey used for drop shadows.
  • I created an outline for where i wanted the writing to be, inside the box on the right i inserted details of what features will be shown inside the magazine. Appealing and abstract. Eye-catching and interesting. Everything is bordered, border anchors the images or text.

Double Page Spread.

  • Font style is graffiti styled, again to fit in with the magazines urban features. I decided i wanted it to be red, black and white to fit in with the colour of the subjects clothes, also this would not look odd and would look appealing.
  • The font for each question is also in graffiti styled so it looks appealing and is easy to read and tell that it is a question being asked.
  • Main image is of Benedict Sycamore, i decided to use just one image as i thought inset images would ruin the image because i think the image is of a good quality when took. Used this image because it has the subject on one side and a wall on the other for the interview. The mise-en-scene of the image is also very urban and fits perfectly with my front cover.
  • I have kept the layout very simple buy just adding in a title for his name and adding the writing for the interview on the right, the writing looks as if it has a border around it to make it more important to read.
  • A house style has been used again which is to keep the magazines website name at the bottom right of the page. You can see that i have tried to keep this page as simple as i can.

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