Friday 1 May 2009

Print Screens

This is the original image that i will be using for my double page spread. I have edited it slightly by putting the magazine's web address in the bottom right hand corner. I have also edited Benedicts face to get rid of any spots. I have done this by using the pot healing brush and the patch tool.

I have started to write up my interview with Benedict Sycamore on the right hand side of this page. I decided i wanted to keep the page very simple and not use any inset images as it would ruin the look of the page. I have done minor editing on this page so it looks as original and appealing as i can get it to look.

I have got a font style from and used it on this page. I have not kept the font as i seen it on the site i decided to edit it so it looked reasonable with my page. I used the paint bucket tool to change the colour to red and then i added a black outline so it would stand out more, i then used a white border around each letter so it would stand out against the black and then used a red shadow behind it so it looked as if it was originally there.

I decided i wanted each of the questions asked to be in a different font so it was easy to read and see what questions were being asked. I went on a font site again and typed in the question then pasted it into photoshop and again edited each image to how i wanted it to look so it is unique and not copied directly from a site. I then edited the size of it and placed it in its rightful position.

This is my finished double page spread which i am happy with. One thing that i think has let it down is the lack of information on the page. I think if i was to do this again i would plan my interview better so that i had enough information on the page to attract the reader to reading the article. Other than that i am fully happy with the outcome. I like the simplicity of the page as it is not over powering with images or text. There is nothing on the page that stands out and looks poor. Everything has been done to the same standard and quality. If i had to change anything it would be the text as there is not enough information.

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