Wednesday 6 May 2009

Focus Groups

My target audience for my music magazine were students aged at around 17 -24. For my focus groups i decided i wanted to have a discussion about my magazine instead of asking brief simple questions. I feel this is a better option as it creates an open discussion with more opinions rather than asking one question aimed at a certain area on the cover. I have chosen 5 people to view and analyse my cover.

Front Cover:

Masthead overlays main image, unconventional, main image being on right side.

Liked the black, red and white colour scheme.

Conventional bar code at the bottom left.

Liked the urban font styles used.

Masthead is at an angle, creative.

Eye-contact from the main image is appealing.

The de-saturated background makes main image stand out.

Liked the short snappy cover lines and the headline underneath.

Dislike of the font style used for the masthead.

Looks a little bit like a poster.

Few more cover lines would make it more appealing.

Liked how the name relates to the genre of music "Dubstep"

Contents Page:

Text wrapping around the main image used.

Layout is neat and tidy.

Font styles relate to house style of magazine.

Simple and easy to read.

Drop shadows make the image look as if its coming off the page.

Needs a few more contents features.

Colour scheme fits well with front cover.

Eye contact with the main image.

Contents font type is very appealing.

Liked the black, grey and white colour scheme, simple but very effective.

Liked the magazine website at the bottom of every page.

Double Page Spread:

Likes how how this image fits in with the main image on the front cover.

Main image is very urban.

The title "Sycamore" looks as if it has been drawn onto the page.

No eye-contact from subject in image.

Not enough writing for an interview.

Graffiti styled writing for each question, stands out effective.

Writing is very easy to read.

Very organised and neat.

Again the website it as the bottom right.

Images mise-en-scene is very appealing and attractive.

Colours used relate to the image of Benedict.

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