Friday 27 March 2009



List of images required Page
1-2 front cover
4 contents
1-5 double page spread

Photo shoot 1

Location: Town
Date: weekend/next week
Timing: 5pm

Subjects: Robert Troth, Benedict Sycamore
Equipment: camera, tripod
Mise-en-scene (props/costume): sky, light background, building
Lighting: natural light

I did not come across any problems whilst i was taking my images for my front cover.

I think that my photo shoot for my front cover was very successfull and i found many different areas to get a decent urban landscape. I have decided to use one image from this photo shoot for the front cover and another image for the double page spread. I had an excessive amount of images i could use which made it easier for me to choose an appealing image for the main image on my front cover.

Photo shoot 2

Location: photography room.
Date: weekend/next week

Subjects: Ben Sycamore, Tommy Highmarsh, Robert Troth, Daniel Stafford.
Equipment: camera, tripod
Mise-en-scene (props/costume): dark photo taken inside. Blank background.
Lighting: spot lights

One problem that i had for this photo shoot was that one of the students could not make it to the photo shoot so i had to reconsider how i would have them standing. Then i thought it would be better to take individual photos of each subject on a white background.

In the end i thought it would be a good idea to take photo's of them individually and as a pair so that i could choose which ones looked best for my magazine. I also took some images of myself so if i did not like the ones i had taken of the other two i could choose from some images of me.